Campus Partners
Preventing Sexual Assault (PSA)
PSA is an entirely student-run organization dedicated to advocating for students, spreading awareness, and implementing action to prevent sexual assault and change rape culture at UMD.
Our council sponsors Occupy Mckeldin, an annual gathering on Mckeldin Mall to hear survivor stories and gain resources from advocates. Several chapters in our council also participate in Real Talk events with PSA, in which their members guide us through dialogue on rape culture. We urge you to look at their website for more of their events and programs!
Instagram: @psa_umd

Campus Advocates Respond and Educate (CARE) to Stop Violence provides free, confidential advocacy and therapy services to primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment, while simultaneously empowering the campus community to prevent violence through educational presentations, events, and outreach activities.
CARE representatives come to some of our council and chapter meetings to educate us on their resources and provide support to our members.
Instagram: @careumd

One Love
The One Love Foundation was established when Yeardley Love, a student at the University of Virginia, died as a victim of intimate partner violence. One Love works so that every individual can recognize the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships and is equipped with the vocabulary and knowledge to be safe and advocate for themselves and their friends and family.
During Homecoming 2022, we partnered with One Love to hold a fundraiser at the Hall and provide resources on their organization to our members. In April 2023, members of PHA will be volunteering and tabling at their fundraiser, One Night with One Love.
Instagram: @umdonelove

partners through co-sponsorships
Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc: Amor Hacia Nuestra Comunidad Community Service Event
Sigma Psi Zeta: Free to Speak Philanthropy Event