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Alpha Delta Pi
Nicknames: ADPi
Address: 4535 College Avenue, College Park, MD 20740
Values: Scholarship, service, self, sisterhood
Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House Charities
"Alpha Delta Pi collegians and alumnae, as well as friends and family members of Alpha Delta Pi, show their philanthropic spirit in many ways. Alpha Delta Pi sisters make an impact on their campuses and in their communities. During the 2021-2022 academic year, Alpha Delta Pi contributed $1,725,000 to charitable organizations, including more than $1,573,000 to local Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC®) Chapters across the United States and Canada.
We are proud of our long-standing relationship with RMHC. Since our partnership began in 1979, Alpha Delta Pi has contributed more than $19,000,000 to this worthwhile organization. Additionally, as part of the We Believe… Campaign, the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation established the Ronald McDonald House Charities Endowment. This fund allows the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation to provide even more resources to RMHC worldwide."
Average GPA: 3.47
Minimum gpa requirement: 2.8
Chapter Information
Chapter Color: Azure blue & white
Chapter Flower: Woodland Violet
Symbol: Diamond and Clasped Hands
National Founding Date and Location: May 15, 1851 at Wesleyan College
UMD Founding date: April 26, 1940
Fun fact: ADPi is the first secret society for women!
Fun Fact: Our mascot is a golden lion named Alphie!
Fun Fact: Mallard Ball is an ADPi tradition in which sisters and their dates dress in camouflage, celebrating with dancing and fun!
Chapter Media and Contact
Chapter Instagram: @umdadpi
Chapter TikTok: @umd.adpi
Chapter TikTok:
National Website:
Recruitment Chair Name: Sydney Wynne
Recruitment Chair Email:
President Name: Kara Gardiner
President Email:
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